医疗手段环锯术并不是每种病都要依靠吃药来觉得问题,也不是每种病都需要借助各种填充了高级塑料、电子芯片的高科技手段来医治。相对于这些看上去比较文明,又或者说有些常规的医治手段来说,历史上存在着各种千奇百怪,甚至是有点残忍的医治手段,而其中有一些医治方法的功效,至今也没有高科技医疗器具可以代替! 冰锥敲击大脑治疗精神病它是一种治疗忧郁症和精神分裂症等精神疾病的手术。前脑叶白质切除术中要把连接前脑叶和脑的其它部分的神经束割断。这种手术很少实施,因为它有可能产生很严重的副作用,比如癫痫、失禁以及令人不快的性格改变。现在这种手术已经广泛地被心理疗法和化学疗法所取代。
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易以往谈到睡眠问题基本围绕在失眠、睡不醒、病人辗转反侧入睡困难等方面。但事情往往有正反两方面,恰恰还存在与上面相反的一种疾病,表现为睡不醒,白天打瞌睡,该睡觉的时候睡觉,不该睡觉的时候也睡,而且不分时间、地点。导致这种情况的原因一种是睡眠时间过短导致犯困,另外一种就是发作性睡病 。
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易Lift! is a European conference that brings together innovators in design, healthcare, and social architecture. Here, R&D Director Paul Wicks contrasts the popular culture representation of the future we were promised against the current state of healthcare, with particular reference to the "Web 2.0" world
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易PatientsLikeMe R&D Director Paul Wicks, presenting at TEDx Berkshires, walks through the medical decision process faced by patients and clinicians trying to manage their illness in a world lacking in data.
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易PatientsLikeMe Chairman Jamie Heywood presented some experimental new features on the site at the prestigious TEDMED conference last fall; click here to watch the video of his inspiring and insightful presentation to a global audience of scientists, industry leaders, and researchers.
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易Eurordis is a patient-driven alliance of patient organisations and individuals active in the field of rare diseases. R&D Director Paul Wicks presented at their annual membership meeting in May 2009 alongside other pioneers such as Duchenne Connect to an audience of patient advocates, non-profit staff, and patients. 药物制剂
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易When a small Italian study reported that lithium carbonate had the potential to slow the progress of ALS, hundreds of users of our site started taking the drug under the supervision of their physicians. Although we were unable to replicate the promising findings, we hope that this study demonstrates the power of sharing data to advance science and medicine.
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易When a drug is approved by the FDA, it is for a specific purpose or "indication". However, we noticed that many of our users said they had been prescribed drugs for purposes not included in the original approval, known as "off-label" usage. In this award-winning study, we sought to discover the experiences of patients taking two widely-used treatments for off-label purposes.
The Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Adherence Questionnaire (MS-TAQ) Journal of Medical Internet ResearchFor MS patients, taking their disease-modifying treatments on time can make the difference in terms of relapses, progression, and long-term function. Using the voice of our patients we constructed a scale that measures all the barriers that get in the way of our patients being adherent to their drugs, in the hope of improving their outcomes.
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易For this project we collaborated with the University of Oxford. In a survey of our ALS patients, we found that patients with an arm-onset were most likely to get the condition first in their "dominant" hand (i.e. right handers were more likely to get it in their right hand first); the same was not true for those with leg-onset ALS. This finding is consistent with the idea of a link between exercise and ALS.
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易Results from our user survey suggest that our members perceive a variety of benefits from using PatientsLikeMe, including feeling better informed about their treatment decisions, better communication with their healthcare providers, and improved quality of life!
发作性睡病症状明显诊断容易A summary of recent advances on the PatientsLikeMe site including the potential for our system to identify the potential for off-label uses of existing drugs.