

简介:  中日友好医院是由日本政府提供无偿援助,中日两国政府合作建设的大型综合性现代化医院。1984年10月23日开院,直属中华人民共和国卫生部领导。医院位于北京市朝阳区和平里樱花东路2号,建筑面积18余万平方米(含在建面积),现编制床位1500张(含在建床位),设有68个临床、医技科室,附设中日友好临床医学研究所及培训中心。医院集医疗、教学、科研、康复和预防保健等多项功能为一体,同时承担中央保健医疗康复任务以及一百多个国家、地区的涉外医疗任务,今年起又被委以国家卫生应急队伍基地医院建设的重任。


Clinical Trials Tool



ALS Lithium Study - The Results



当时的医师认为切除大脑不必要的部分,便可消除“精神错乱”。这种治疗方法有点儿像环锯术,在精神病患者的头部钻一个洞,但精神病专家沃特•弗里曼(Water Freeman)很快便对这种治疗方法进行了改良——使用冰锥敲击眼窝。“治疗”之后多数患者会在短暂的时间内昏迷,有时昏迷持续10分钟,但治疗效果却具有多样性,有人曾声称能够治疗精神病,但也有人因此导致死亡。直到20世纪60年代,有效精神抑制药物的出现,才为精神疾病患者带来希望。



Integrated Prospective Healthcare & Research


以往谈到睡眠问题基本围绕在失眠、睡不醒、病人辗转反侧入睡困难等方面。但事情往往有正反两方面,恰恰还存在与上面相反的一种疾病,表现为睡不醒,白天打瞌睡,该睡觉的时候睡觉,不该睡觉的时候也睡,而且不分时间、地点。导致这种情况的原因一种是睡眠时间过短导致犯困,另外一种就是发作性睡病 。

Putting patients at the center of healthcare; disruption in medicine, research, business, and drug safety


Lift! is a European conference that brings together innovators in design, healthcare, and social architecture. Here, R&D Director Paul Wicks contrasts the popular culture representation of the future we were promised against the current state of healthcare, with particular reference to the "Web 2.0" world

"Making Molehills Out of Mountains"


PatientsLikeMe R&D Director Paul Wicks, presenting at TEDx Berkshires, walks through the medical decision process faced by patients and clinicians trying to manage their illness in a world lacking in data.

"The Big Idea my Brother Inspired"


PatientsLikeMe Chairman Jamie Heywood presented some experimental new features on the site at the prestigious TEDMED conference last fall; click here to watch the video of his inspiring and insightful presentation to a global audience of scientists, industry leaders, and researchers.

Video from the European Organization for Rare Diseases (EURORDIS) Annual Meeting in Athens, Greece


Eurordis is a patient-driven alliance of patient organisations and individuals active in the field of rare diseases. R&D Director Paul Wicks presented at their annual membership meeting in May 2009 alongside other pioneers such as Duchenne Connect to an audience of patient advocates, non-profit staff, and patients.


Accelerated clinical discovery using self-reported patient data collected online and a patient-matching algorithm


By Paul Wicks, Timothy Vaughan, Michael Massagli & James Heywood

When a small Italian study reported that lithium carbonate had the potential to slow the progress of ALS, hundreds of users of our site started taking the drug under the supervision of their physicians. Although we were unable to replicate the promising findings, we hope that this study demonstrates the power of sharing data to advance science and medicine.

Patient-reported Outcomes as a Source of Evidence in Off-Label Prescribing


By Jeana Frost, Sally Okun, Timothy Vaughan, James Heywood, Paul Wicks

When a drug is approved by the FDA, it is for a specific purpose or "indication". However, we noticed that many of our users said they had been prescribed drugs for purposes not included in the original approval, known as "off-label" usage. In this award-winning study, we sought to discover the experiences of patients taking two widely-used treatments for off-label purposes.

The Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Adherence Questionnaire (MS-TAQ)

The Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Adherence Questionnaire (MS-TAQ) Journal of Medical Internet Research

By Paul Wicks, Mike Massagli, Amit Kulkarni, Homa Dastani

For MS patients, taking their disease-modifying treatments on time can make the difference in terms of relapses, progression, and long-term function. Using the voice of our patients we constructed a scale that measures all the barriers that get in the way of our patients being adherent to their drugs, in the hope of improving their outcomes.

Concordance between site of onset and limb dominance in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


By Martin Turner, Paul Wicks, Catherine Brownstein, Michael Massagli, Maria Toronjo, Kevin Talbot, Ammar Al-Chalabi

For this project we collaborated with the University of Oxford. In a survey of our ALS patients, we found that patients with an arm-onset were most likely to get the condition first in their "dominant" hand (i.e. right handers were more likely to get it in their right hand first); the same was not true for those with leg-onset ALS. This finding is consistent with the idea of a link between exercise and ALS.

Sharing Health Data for Better Outcomes on PatientsLikeMe


By Paul Wicks, Michael Massagli, Jeana Frost, Catherine Brownstein, Sally Okun, Timothy Vaughan, Richard Bradley, James Heywood

Results from our user survey suggest that our members perceive a variety of benefits from using PatientsLikeMe, including feeling better informed about their treatment decisions, better communication with their healthcare providers, and improved quality of life!

The power of social networking in medicine


By Catherine Brownstein, John Brownstein, David S. Williams III, Paul Wicks, James Heywood

A summary of recent advances on the PatientsLikeMe site including the potential for our system to identify the potential for off-label uses of existing drugs.